
Tuesday, September 10, 2013


The Hokage (火影 Fire Shadow?) is clan renowned for their production and use of madōgu, which are mystical weapons that have various powers ranging from the manipulation of elements to increasing its user's strength. The Hokage clan was exterminated during an attack made by Oda Nobunaga on the clan's village in 1567. The Hokage leaders are known as Flame Mastersbecause of their innate ability to control the element of fire. Each Flame Master is born with this ability, and are traditionally succeeded by one who is also born with this ability. In the case of the eighth Flame Master Ōka, his two sons (Recca Hanabishi and Kurei) are born with this ability. In the Hokage tradition, this meant that one of the children was born with a cursed flame, and should be terminated. The Hokage elders assumed that Kurei was the cursed child since they thought that he had an evil soul and attempted to kill him, but Kagerō, Recca's mother, stopped them from doing so.

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